Date: May 20, 2018

Mighty Refreshing, Cooling & Hydrating Fresh Watermelon Juice

Top with a fresh mint and lemon/lime garnish, a perfect sweetness freshly made with a slight lip smacking tang and fizz for only N2,400/-

Did you know?
Watermelon is very cleansing, alkalizing, diuretic and mineralizing. It is very effective in promoting intestinal elimination and keeping the body free from toxic wastes.
Watermelon juice has a surprisingly dense nutrient profile; a single cup offers high levels of vitamin C and vitamin A, roughly 30% and 25% of your daily requirement for these nutrients, respectively. The juice also boasts more moderate amounts of potassium, dietary fiber, calcium, iron and 1.5 grams of protein. More importantly, there are only 70 calories in a cup of this juice, but it is also packed with antioxidants and active ingredients, such as lycopene, beta-carotene, amino acids, and flavonoids.
Watermelon juice helps prevent cancer, reduce inflammation, and aid weight loss. Other health benefits of watermelon juice include its ability to beautify the skin, optimize kidney health, improve digestive processes, and boost vision, among others